
AI-Focused Security


SecurityComm: A Security Focused Venture with Community, Commerce and Communications as its core.. SecurityComm is committed to delivering advanced and usable AI-focused security solutions and services that cater to diverse use cases. Our platform is designed to empower individuals, businesses, and organizations to strengthen their security, collaborate with experts, and make informed decisions quickly. For more information on how SecurityComm can benefit your specific use case, contact us today.

A Collaborative Endeavor- Our partnership with CSAIL at MIT on security based LLM systems to help protect the industry with research and reporting of AI based security agents.

At SecurityComm, we are proud to collaborate closely with VNOC.COM, an esteemed leader in blockchain technology, premium URL management, innovative business models (eCorp), and connected networks (Contrib). Together, we have combined our expertise and resources to redefine the landscape of digital safety.

ai honeypot benefits

Why SecurityComm

Here's why SecurityComm is your ultimate choice for AI-focused security:

A collaborative network of security professionals and companies, united to address cybersecurity challenges. Join us in creating a safer digital ecosystem, powered by collective expertise and shared knowledge.


AI Pioneers: With a dedicated team of AI experts, we lead the way in security technology.


AI-driven solutions adapt and grow to meet the dynamic nature of digital threats.


Incubator for Innovation: SecurityComm operates as an innovation incubator within the -VNOC.COM family.


We nurture pioneering startups in AI security, ensuring that we are always at the forefront of security advancements.

Join the Collaborative Journey


We invite you to become a part of our collaborative journey in reshaping digital security. Together, we are pushing the boundaries of innovation to create a safer digital world.

Get in Touch


Ready to enhance your security posture collaboratively? Contact us today to explore how our AI-focused security solutions and services.